How Effective is Coaching?

How Effective is Coaching?


August 30, 2024

2 Minutes

Coaching has historically been reserved for larger organisations with HR teams and allocated learning and development budgets, but this is increasingly more accessible to smaller organisations thanks to the acceleration of digital (virtual) coaching sessions and the significant growth in the numbers of consultant coaches entering the market to offer outsourced coaching services.

Increased accreditation

As coaching grows, the accreditation of coaches has increased significantly as organisations demand formal training and compliance with codes of ethics, this adds further credibility to coaching as forming part of a blended senior learning and development programme.

Mental health and resilience

COVID-19 has accelerated awareness of the importance of managing workplace mental health and in turn led to an increased demand from business leaders to develop their own empathy and leadership style to deal with the demands of remote and hybrid workforces and an ever changing, uncertain economy.

Coaching benefits

The following information pulled from a wide range of studies evidencing coaching effectiveness gives an indication of some of the benefits of coaching, albeit taken from studies on larger organisations:

  • Improving work-based outcomes including goal accomplishment (Fischer & Beimers, 2009);
  • Professional growth (McGuffin & Obonyo, 2010);
  • Improved professional relationships (Kombarakaran, Yang, Baker & Fernandes, 2008);
  • Greater managerial flexibility (Jones, Rafferty & Griffin, 2006);
  • Increased productivity (Olivero, Bane & Kopelman, 1997)
  • Improved resilience and workplace well-being (Grant, Curtayne & Burton, 2009).
  • Coaching is also aligned with active rather than passive learning, employees take responsibility for shaping their own learning processes (Bell & Kozlowski, 2008).

Some of the studies suggested coaching results were noticeable after limited coaching interventions suggesting the tailored approach can have a swift and lasting impact if managed and contracted effectively.

As part of our preparation for founders on the next stage of their journey we offer bespoke coaching packages.

To find out more about how coaching can provide you with a safe space to think contact: